IOT 101 Outline

Arduino IoT using Arduino/Genuino 101

Basic Arduino IoT module using Arduino/Genuino 101 from Intel. Will use Blynk App that is readily available from the App or Play Store.

Prerequisite : Basic arduino programming language. Must atleast have attended the Arduino 101 Class.

Participant Must-haves : Laptop and smartphone/gadget with BLE (Bluetooth 4.0).

Fees: PHP 500

Time: 3pm-7pm

I. Review of Arduino Programming and Native Commands
1. Bare Minimum
2. Time Delay
3. Digital Output/Input
4. Analog Output/Input

II. Arduino 101
1. IMU/6 DOF Sensor
2. BLE/Bluetooth 4.0

III. Blynk App
1. Blynk Account
2. New Project
3. Hardware
4. Authentication Token
5. Widgets
6. Running the Project

IV. Blynk Operations
1. BLE
2. Virtual Pins
2.1 Sending Data from App to Hardware
2.2 Sending Arrays
3. Widgets
3.1 Controllers
3.1 Displays
4. Notifications